NEWS - Monday, January 30, 2006

Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter Developer Chat
The game's associate producer Prince Arrington will be one of the team taking part in the chat, and will be ready to answer questions on the Multiplayer aspect of the game. The chat will take place over the IRC network on February 2 at 17:00 GMT. If you require an IRC client then head over to Advertisement Server details Server: Ubisoft ( Channel: #GhostRecon If you're not familiar with IRC then you can access the chat by using Ubisoft's IRC applet. Enter the username you wish to use (no password is required), then select the Ghost Recon channel. Chat times around the world: 9:00 - San Francisco 11:00 - Chicago 12:00 - New York, Montreal 17:00 - London 18:00 - Paris, MunichSource: