NEWS - Thursday, January 12, 2006

(RUMOR) - Oblivion Finds Us On March 20th?
In a newsletter from, they officially advertised The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion for pre-order. So whats the big deal? Well, the release of Oblivion has been a subject of intense debate since E3 2005. Initially the game was supposed to launch with the console, then it was moved to the annoyingly vague "launch window," and now nobody really knows. However, with sending out a newsletter urging people to preorder, perhaps they have some reason to be more confident in their listed March 20, 2006 ship date. Whether the game will actually release in March is, unfortunately, still something that cant be confirmed. Bethesda has remained tight-lipped about the actual release since theyre committed to polishing the game as much as they feel necessary before it hits store shelves. If you didnt already know, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion is poised to be one of the most immersive, expansive single player role playing experiences to hit store shelves. It offers a vast array of character customization options, with myriad methods of combining character classes, primary and secondary skills, as well as seemingly countless amounts of items, armor and weaponry. The game is also touting an advanced artificial intelligence system called Radiant AI which should allow for NPCs to follow unique daily regimens. If youve seen any of the screens or movies, its easy to see the game looks gorgeous so far. Well have more on Bethesdas highly anticipated and ambitious title as soon as its available.Source: