NEWS - Thursday, September 15, 2005

Lost Odyssey Powered By Unreal Engine 3
Mistwalker, the studio headed by Final Fantasy creator Hironobu Sakaguchi, is to use Epic's Unreal Engine 3. The first title to use the engine of choice for next-gen development is Lost Odyssey. The RPG isn't actually being developed my Mistwalker, with that task being given to Feel Plus, a company with over 100 staff which was partly formed by Microsoft. Mistwalker's other Xbox 360 game, Blue Dragon, won't use the Unreal Engine 3. Artoon are in charge of that one and have made an entirely new engine to power the game. Expect more news on the two games over the next few days as Microsoft is bound to make a big deal out of their Japanese developer support at the Tokyo Game show.Source: