NEWS - Tuesday, September 6, 2005

(RUMOR) - Rumor Alert: PGR 3 Not A Launch Title? were recently invited to a swanky Need for Speed Most Wanted Community Day set up by EA, and got to have an inside look at the game and talk to developers about their expectations. Interestingly, when asked about the games prospects going up against the very impressive looking Project Gotham Racing 3 at the launch of the Xbox 360, the developers had a nonchalant attitude because none of them actually expect PGR3 to make it as a launch title. In fact, most of the EA developers said they expected it would launch as part of the second wave of titles for the console: I asked about PGR3 and how they are planning to market Most Wanted with another racing title launching so close. The answer: most everyone there at EAX doesn’t expect PGR3 to make launch. Microsoft has apparently been giving EA all the help they can give with getting Most Wanted out at launch (which they are on track to do), and they wouldn’t be doing that as much as they are if they had their own racing game ready for launch. Also, PGR3 is very ambitious, and from what they’ve seen it won’t make launch. Most of them expect it to be in the second wave of 360 titles, along with Gears of War. To throw fuel on the fire, when asked if PGR3 may not make the X360 launch, Microsoft gave a guarded, if not evasive statement: "We havent announced our launch line up yet, but we expect to have between 25-40 games at retail this calendar year," a spokesperson told GameSpot. "There are 160 Xbox 360 games in development right now from companies like Electronic Arts, Activision, Microsoft Game Studios, etc."Source: