NEWS - Wednesday, February 9, 2005

Republic Commando Completes Training
Republic Commando Completes Training February 9, 2005 - LucasArts announced today that Star Wars Republic Commando has officially gone gold (i.e., the game is code-complete) for the Xbox and PC. The title is expected to ship March 1 for both platforms. Star Wars Republic Commando is a squad-based first-person shooter that lets the player explore the elite world of the Star Wars military. Leading a three-man squad of Republic Commandos, the missions take players behind enemy lines on more than 14 levels through three different campaigns against more than ten brutal enemies. The player will have more than a dozen deadly weapons at their disposal, but none more lethal than the squad itself. Read up on all our Commando coverage so far, and look for this one to hit next month.Source: