NEWS - Thursday, January 20, 2005

Mercenaries Easter Egg And Info
For gamers who were lucky enough to nab a copy of LucasArts’ new combat-action title Mercenaries last weekend before stores began reporting shortages, they are discovering a great treat as they progress through the game. Upon collecting 20 “National Treasures” within the game, players can access their PDA to unlock and deploy an iconic Lucasfilm character into the game. PS2 gamers can then select to play as Indiana Jones and Han Solo is available as a playable mercenary for Xbox gamers. LucasArts has also revealed that there is a way for PS2 gamers to unlock Han Solo and for Xbox gamers to unlock Indiana Jones, but specific details have not yet been released. To ensure that everyone can get their hands on a copy of Mercenaries this weekend, LucasArts has been air freighting out copies to ensure all store shelves are once again fully stocked.Source: