NEWS - Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Jade Empire gets new date.
Jade Empire gets limited edition, new date A special limited edition version of BioWare's upcoming RPG will feature a bonus character and combat style; game pushed back to April 26. Online retailer EB Games is listing a limited edition of Jade Empire on its Web site. Jade Empire is a role-playing game set in a world of ancient Chinese mythology from developer BioWare, the creator of the immensely popular Xbox title Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. The game is exclusive to the Xbox. In true BioWare RPG fashion, gamers will be able to choose to fight for good or evil, and their decisions will affect how non-player characters react to them. The users' characters will battle enemies using a variety of martial arts styles, changing styles on the fly with the press of the directional pad. According to EB, the limited edition of Jade Empire will feature a bonus character and combat style. As a special offer, EB Games is also shipping a "Making of" DVD, with featurettes on the making of several Xbox titles, including Jade Empire, Forza Motorsport, and MechAssault 2, with preorders of Jade Empire. It appears as though the expected release date of March 29 may have gotten the old karate chop. The EB Games Web site (as well as fellow online retailer also shows a new release date of April 26. BioWare was unavailable for comment on the issue.Source: