NEWS - Monday, January 10, 2005

Atari Set To Manipulate Time
It has been announced today by Atari that they will be releasing a time-manipulating first person shooter called Timeshift, sometime during Autumn 2005. The ability to shift time and manipulate the present by changing the past might sound like something from the Back to the Future films, but Atari have stated that this will mean that gamers will be able to use weird interpretations of traditional weapons from alternate timelines. What this exactly means is yet to be confirmed, but hopefully it will mean that the weapons will be quite imaginative in terms of how gameplay is affected and not just visually. What is known about the time-shifting abilities is that gamers will be able to slow-down, stop, and rewind time, allowing them to move through locations whilst opponents are frozen in time – the abilities are said to be integral to the gameplay of Timeshift and not just a gimmick, and we look forward to seeing whether that is true. The storyline in the game has not been divulged at the moment, but it has been created by a Hollywood writer and director - who exactly hasn’t been disclosed either. Announcing the game, Martin Spiess, Senior Vice President of Marketing, Atari Europe said, "TimeShift represents a totally new take on a massive gaming genre, and underlines Atari's dedication, alongside that of Saber Interactive, to pushing the boundaries of what games can offer…TimeShift challenge players to use their wits and time-bending abilities as well as their formidable weaponry to complete the missions. Integrating the fourth dimension – time – into the fabric of the gameplay will shift perceptions of what a first-person shooter can be." Set for release in the Autumn, Timeshift is just one of many FPS planned for a 2005 release – and we thought that 2004 was the year of the genre. We’ll have more on Timeshift shortly…Source: