NEWS - Friday, January 7, 2005

Described as the “art of movement where participants use objects within their urban surroundings” and inspired by the likes of The Matrix, Spider-Man and Hong-Kong wire-fu flicks, Parkour or Free-Jumping is becoming an ever increasingly popular activity across Europe since its origins began back during the 80’s in Lisse, France. Members of the association dedicate themselves to the practise, taking on an almost religious like stance in both the way it’s trained and towards those who founded the movement. So what does any of this have to do with videogames? Well those who caught last night’s Channel 4 TV follow-up documentary couldn’t help but catch the Playstation2/Xbox videogame adaptation currently in development at Eidos. The documentary provided a few minutes worth of action from the game, and revealed that many of the UK’s most senior free-jumpers have been captured for use within the game. Sadly we don’t know too many specifics at this stage, due to the fact that the game has yet to be officially announced; however for the game to succeed it’s crucial that the control system maps the fast and flowing nature of the discipline. We’ll hopefully have more information on the title soon, but for those that may wish to check out the activity in more detail please watch the accompanying trailer courtesy of