NEWS - Friday, October 29, 2004

Ghost Recon 2 Multiplayer Details
Ubisoft today commented on the multiplayer modes of Tom Clancys Ghost Recon 2, both confirming some of the tidbits weve revealed already, and offering some new details. Even better, the company released a brand-new video offering a developer tour of the main MP maps -- youll want to check it out right away, as these terrains are beautiful. Youll remember, of course, that Ghost Recon 2 on the Xbox is a fully separate game from its PlayStation 2 cousin: different single player story, different maps, different multiplayer options and technology. Those of you lucky enough to have both systems may want to grab both versions of the game, as theres plenty to see in both. For the Xbox, Ubisoft is building on their already-strong support of Xbox Live. Ghost Recon 2 will support Xbox Live 3.0 features, including team-based multiplayer sessions: when you enter a match, you can do so as an entire team. Leaderboards have been improved. They now support team ranking, as well as an ELO-style ranking system which adjusts your rating based on the rank of the guy youve just defeated. Youll also be able to see the rating of other players, or even full servers, to find the right match. Network technology has also been improved, with completely rebuilt netcode for better connections. Ubisoft has also dropped the white-button-to-talk element -- the mic is now always on. Youll also have the option to play in first-person or over-the-shoulder third person views. This can also be mandated by the server. Ghost Recon 2 supports four-player split screen, either offline, or as four players jumping on together to compete on Live. Adversarial matches allow for up to 16 players at once, while co-op modes have up to four players active, with up to 12 observing. The game will ship with 24 maps total, which includes eight dedicated to multiplayer modes. Co-op modes include: Mission, Battle, Defend, Firefight, Garrison, Recon, and Scout. The Adversarial modes are: Hamburger Hill (Squad or Solo), Sharpshooter (Squad or Solo), Last Man Standing (Squad or Solo), Domination (Squad), Search and Rescue (Squad), Siege (Squad), and Seek and Destroy (Solo). "Seek and Destroy" is an updated version of Cat and Mouse mode. All players start as oridinary soldiers, but the first to kill becomes the Target, outfitted with advanced Lone Wolf gear. Kill the Target and become the Target yourself. Youll only get points for becoming the Target, or for killing while youre the Target -- but while youre in that mode, everyone else can see exactly where you are. Well bring you plenty more on Ghost Recon 2 as we approach the games ship date next month. Meantime, youll also want to check out the new official GR2 site for all the latest from Ubisoft.Source: