NEWS - Monday, October 18, 2004

Dead Or Alive: Ultimate Has Gone Gold
TORRANCE, Calif., October 18, 2004‹Tecmo® proudly announced today that its new powerhouse online fighter, Dead or Alive® Ultimate(DOAU) for the Xbox® video game system from Microsoft, has gone gold and is set to kick off into stores later this month. The latest installment in the million-selling Dead or Alive® fighting series will be packed with a punch as it boasts unbelievable new graphics, staggering new moves and combo attacks, new multi-tiered and fully interactive environments, brand-new unlockable costumes and secret characters, and an in-depth story line. True to its roots, the famous DOA girls will also be back in action and sexier than ever in the most scantily clad and outrageous outfits to date in the fighting series. Topping that all off will be the revolutionary new online capabilities in the game made available through Xbox Live. With six different online modes to choose from including Winner-Stays, Tournament, Team Battle, Survival, Loser-Stays, and Kumite Battle, and all using the highly anticipated online feature, "Virtual Arcade", where 8 players are able to participate in a fighting session at one time, Dead or Alive Ultimate is the ultimate 3-D online fighting game this fall. Players from across the nation will be able to play each other using all six of these modes and experience smooth lag-free game play whether they are playing their friend down the street or across the country. "Dead or Alive Ultimate will blow all other fighters out of the water this fall and we are very happy to announce that it has gone gold," John Inada, Tecmo¹s Director of Marketing, said. "DOAU will be the new benchmark for all other games to follow and its online capabilities through Xbox Live will not only change the future of fighting games but the future of all games." Also available through Xbox Live will be a Dead or Alive World Wide Ranking Chart where the best of the best will be able to post their online scores and see where they rank against other players from around the world, earning bragging rights along the way. Those that master their DOA fighting skills will be represented as the best fighters on the planet through the online scoreboard.Source: