NEWS - Thursday, September 16, 2004

THQ To Publish The Bard’s Tale
When the PS2 and Xbox action RPG The Bard's Tale hits Australian shores this fall (and PCs next spring), it will have the might of publisher THQ behind it. "THQ is an ideal partner for us because of their track record in successfully launching strong games," said Brian Fargo, founder and CEO of InXile Entertainment, the game's developer. In 1985, Fargo produced The Bard's Tale for the Apple II computer with Electronic Arts. This latest incarnation is not a true sequel, but promises to contain many of the same elements. "The original The Bard's Tale is considered by many to be a 'true classic' with a fan base that has been eagerly awaiting its revival for almost two decades," said Martin Good, vice president, THQ Asia Pacific Publishing. "We're very excited to be working with Brian Fargo and InXile Entertainment to bring these titles to the Australian market." The Bard's Tale takes a lighthearted approach to the RPG genre. The Bard, voiced by The Princess Bride and Hot Shots! actor Cary Elwes, is influenced by "coin and cleavage" rather than more respectable pursuits. Interactions with characters are simply "snarky" or "nice" and greatly affect the nonlinear game. InXile will publish the game in North America when it hits retail stores on its current Xbox and PS2 release date of November 2.Source: