NEWS - Monday, August 16, 2004

Challenge Sudeki Creator In PGR2
Microsoft Game Studios today sent word of an Xbox Live! event, allowing gamers to take on Climax’s Games Director, Jason Avent, creator of the forthcoming Xbox RPG Sudeki. The European event will be focussed on Project Gotham Racing 2 and takes place on August 23rd from 19:00-21:00 GMT; all Xbox Live! members need to do is add one of the following GamerTags to their friends list: XboxLiveEURO2 XboxLiveEURO3 XboxLiveEURO4 After that, players simply need to do is log onto Xbox Live! on August 23rd from 19:00-21:00 (GMT)/20:00-22:00 (CET) to check out whether you’ve been invited to join the race. The Climax event starring Jason Avent is part of the Xbox Live ‘Game with Fame’ programme and is just one of many opportunities Xbox Live gamers will have to take on some of the biggest names in the entertainment world. “We’ve got a line up of exclusive events for Xbox Live members,” said Michel Cassius, Senior Director, Xbox Platform and Marketing. “Not only does Xbox Live offer the best online gaming experience, with some of the coolest titles around, but it also gives gamers the chance to go head to head with the biggest stars in music and games.”Source: