NEWS - Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Help Us Out With Our Upcoming POP2 Interview
Well since you guys rocked with my Forza Motorsports interview, I decided to let my next interview get done by the members again. Today, and for the next several days youll be submitting questions for Prince of Persia 2 from Ubi Soft, like before this isnt an exclusive deal as other publications will have an interview as well. But, this is your opportunity to ask questions and help write an interview. Like last time, I am looking for good grammar, complete sentences and questions that are relevant to Prince of Persia 2. The goal is to aquire 25 questions and submit them by at least next week. The same format as before, I will include your name, age and location and it must be in this format: Reclaimer-XBA, age 28 from Houston TX asks: Write your information exactly like that to help speed up my editing job. Like last time, I reserve the right to make edits, change questions, make omissions, clarify to make the interview work, change the rules as we go, use all-none-or any number of submissions as a whole or by individual. So get to it. Goto our interview thread hereSource: