NEWS - Tuesday, July 27, 2004

New Details On Star Wars: Episode III
LucasArts today provided a few juicy new details on the upcoming Star Wars: Episode III game. The title was initially revealed back in April, when it was announced that a trailer for the game would be included in the upcoming Star Wars Trilogy DVD set. And that was about all we knew. Now, however, come new facts. First, the Episode III game is slated to ship May 5, 2005 -- just two weeks before the film hits theaters. That's a very specific date for a title still so far out, but we're delighted that LucasArts is being precise. Second, as rumored, players will indeed take the roles of both Anakin and Obi Wan as both characters struggle with the light and dark sides of the Force. The game will feature some of the most detailed lightsaber combat yet presented. Veteran Star Wars stunt coordinator Nick Gillard is actively involved in the project, assisting in adding not only stunts taken from the films, but a bunch of slick moves original to the game. As a special treat to fans and those drooling over the upcoming film, the Episode III game will feature several brand new locations, providing a sneak peak into the worlds of Revenge of the Sith. Final platform details have yet to be revealed, and LucasArts has yet to release any screens or movies. But it goes without saying that we'll keep you up to date on this one.Source: