NEWS - Thursday, July 15, 2004

The Fable Begins September 14th
Xbox owners not already anticipating the upcoming release of Fable now have an added reason to book the game before it comes out. Anyone who preorders the Xbox RPG from EB Games, GameStop, Circuit City, GameRush, GameCrazy, or Trans World will receive a limited-edition DVD with a free "making of" documentary that chronicles the games development at Lionhead Studios subsidiary Big Blue Box. The as-yet-unnamed doc will sport interviews with Lionhead CEO Peter Molyneux, as well as Big Blue Box cofounders Simon Carter and Ian Lovett. The disc also includes playable demos of several other Xbox games, including Sudeki, Rallisport Challenge 2, and Top Spin. Several E3 2004 gameplay trailers for MechAssault 2: Lone Wolf, Forza Motorsport, Jade Empire, and Conker: Live and Reloaded will be on the DVD as well. As part of its preorder announcement, Microsoft nailed down Fables exact release date. Last month, a post on the official Fable FAQ revealed that it would arrive in "September." Microsoft today officially said that it is "set to hit retail shelves in the United States on September 14."Source: