NEWS - Monday, July 12, 2004

First EA Xbox Live Game Coming This Week
It's a big week for Xbox Live members as the first EA Live enabled title, NCAA Football 2005, hits stores this week. What's even more amazing is that it's less then two months after this was announced at E3 in May. This is an incredibly fast time for a game to come to Xbox Live...congratulations to the Xbox Live and EA Teams for making this happen so darn quickly. This morning I came into work and fired up my copy of NCAA and logged into to see if anyone was around. Choosing my trusty Syracuse University Orangemen I quickly found a game against Spooner2222 who was playing as one of the Orangemen's arch nemisis, The Nittany Lions of Penn State. I had a great chat with Spooner who told me he pre-ordred NCAA and was surprised when it showed up at his house today. Spooner was also new to Xbox Live and said he really enjoyed it so far. Even though he said he was not used to the Xbox controller, he still schooled me as you can see from the final score screenshot below The screenshot Major Nelson is referring to displayed a final score of 42-3 needless to say Major Nelson got owned. Oh least I got to visit the Carrier Dome.I don’t mind taking one for the team for a new Xbox Live member..especially when it was his first Xbox Live game.I also captured a little video from my ass whoopin’ below for everyone to enjoy. Welcome aboard EA...and Spooner2222. Incase some of you don't know Major Nelson is one of the head guys when it comes to Xbox Live. He is a major player in the Live universe. He frequently updates his personal blog which can be viewed hereSource: