NEWS - Monday, July 5, 2004

Fable Pre-Orders Get Bonus DVD!
Here's the scoop straight from Sam's mouth...err, fingertips. (He's the PR guy at Lionhead.) "Fable will be released in September 2004 for the US and October 2004 for Europe (stay tuned for specific dates). Placing a pre-order with your local gamesshop, or an online store will give you a bonus DVD*! These DVD's are available from 1st July onwards, so make sure you pick it up in the shop where you placed the order. This DVD includes; Behind-the-scenes documentary • Interviews with the Fable creators, including Peter Molyneux • Never before seen footage of Fable • Playable demo of Sudeki and other Xbox exclusive titles." Check to see which game retailers are included in this deal. DVD could be available elsewhere as well. Fable is the upcoming Action/RPG that casts you as a young lad w/ the ultimate goal of becoming the greatest Hero in all of Albion. But the path you choose, be it good or evil, is up to you entirely. Being developed by Big Blue Box under the tutelage of gaming legend Peter Molyneaux, Fable is expected on the shelves in the U.S. September 21st.Source: