NEWS - Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Capcom Changes Upcoming Fighter Name
A quick trip to a few online retailers has indicated that Capcom has changed the name of its upcoming fighting game for arcades, PS2, and Xbox, from Capcom Fighting Game to the new tentative name of Capcom Fighting Evolution. While not a huge difference, the new name remains tentative, and could still change before the game ships to retail. The arcade version of the title was previously called Capcom Fighting Arcade, but there has been no word on a title change as of yet. However, according to various arcade distribution websites, the arcade version of Capcom Fighting Evolution will be released in October, running on Namco's System 246 arcade hardware. This will mark one of the few occasions that Capcom has ventured away from their own arcade hardware. By using Namco's System 246 (a high end arcade version of the PlayStation 2), Capcom may be looking to speed up the process of porting the title to home consoles. With an Xbox and PlayStation 2 release date of October, a faster porting process may allow for a higher quality port. Capcom Fighting Evolution pits fighters from several of Capcom's top franchises against each other in the latest match of the century. Included in the title will be characters from Darkstalkers, Red Earth, Street Fighter II, Street Fighter III, and Street Fighter Alpha. Each character will retain their movelist and properties from the title their hail from. Players will also be able to take their favorite characters online when the game ships in November. We'll have more information on Capcom Fighting Evolution as it becomes available.Source: