NEWS - Thursday, June 17, 2004

EA Mailbag Q & A Regarding Battlefield
From: Paul S Q: Is the games online play free or do I have to pay for the service? A: Hey Paul, the games online play is 100% free. From: John Q: Will you guys charge for download content? A: John, we will not be charging for downloaded content. The Battlefield franchise prides itself on providing free content after launch and the console version is no different. From: The Sarge Q: Will the game have a single player component? Or is it an "Online Only" game? A: We wanted to put all our focus on multiplayer for Battlefield: Modern Combat. So, with that in mind, we do not have a single player component. From: Monty M Q: Will the game feature "Punkbuster" support? A: Monty, there are no plans at this time to support "Punkbuster" From: Zack G Q: What are some of the features that different soldier kits can have? A: Zack, to name a few of the features in our game from each kit: Sniper – Laser Designator, Sniper Rifle Assault – Grenade Launcher, Frag Grenades Special Ops – Flash Bangs, C4 Explosives Combat Support – Artillery Strike, Medical Injector Combat Engineer – Anti Vehicle mines, Shotgun From: M. Jones Q: Will Battlefield: Modern Combat be appearing on the GameCube console? A: No, we are not planning on having a GameCube version. From: Linda M Q: Will nuclear arms be part of the game? A: Hey Linda, we will not have nuclear arms in our game. You can also catch up with some other questions EA answered early this month, hereSource: