NEWS - Friday, June 4, 2004

Interplay CEO "Were Still Here"
Earlier this week, rumors began to swirl that Interplay, the once-mighty publisher of the Fallout and Baldurs Gate games, was closing down its Irvine, CA, headquarters. Numerous reports from sources around and inside the company said that employees had been advised to collect their personal items, either by the end of the day Tuesday or by the end of the week. Later, more detailed reports began to surface, many saying Interplay employees had gone without health insurance or paychecks for weeks. The Orange County Register echoed those allegations last week in an article about two former employees who sued the company after their paychecks bounced. As far as Interplays response to these allegations, the silence was deafening. E-mails to the company were bounced back. The voicemail systems at the publisher and the American offices of its French parent, Titus Interactive, worked off and on all week. When an actual person was reached at the Interplay offices, they would not confirm that they even worked there. Instead calls were passed along to the personal voice mailbox of CEO Herve Caen, who has been nowhere to be found throughout the week. That is, until now. Last night, GameSpot talked with the surprisingly affable Caen, who denied the end was nigh for Interplay. His proof? "You can see our stock is trading, so were still here." But when asked whether or not Interplay was facing eviction from its Irvine, CA offices and laying off staffers, Caens answers grew less direct. "I cant comment one way or the other," he said. "Im bound by disclosure rules because were a publicly traded company, so I cant say anything outside of press releases or official SEC filings." When asked when the next official SEC filing would be, Herve said, "I cant answer that--if I tell you, Ill have to tell everyone." When asked why closure reports were coming from within Interplay, Caen demurred, saying "the Internet, its a wild place." He did, however, say there would be some sort of announcement in the near future. "Were working on a lot of deals, a lot of solutions. Youll hear from us soon." Meanwhile, chatter about the closure of Interplays Irvine offices grew louder. No Mutants Allowed, the Fallout fan site that acquired the first--and only--Fallout 3 screenshots and broke news of several high-profile departures from Interplays Black Isle Studios, said it has received reports from several staffers that Interplays offices were padlocked Thursday. Today, calls were answered only by Interplays voicemail system, which had been down all day Wednesday. More public verification of Interplays troubles came from Sean K. Reynolds, prolific fantasy author and former lead designer at Interplay. On the forums of his official Web site, Reynolds said Interplay hadnt "been evicted yet" (emphasis in the original) as of Tuesday, June 1. That same day, Reynolds officially quit, saying "right now Id rather be done with Interplay than sit around seeing if the upper management can salvage the situation." He said most employees expected the companys demise to be in 2004, but not so soon. "We just thought it wouldnt happen until August, rather than April." He also tacitly confirmed Interplay employees paycheck woes, saying "apparently you can file [for unemployment] if you quit because you arent getting paid." Reynolds also acted unsurprised when he was told of the alleged Thursday closure of Interplays offices. "Doh! Good thing I got all my stuff out already," he said.Source: