NEWS - Friday, June 4, 2004

List Of Spider-Mans Moves And Abilities
The sequel to 2002s blockbuster film Spider-Man is coming to a theater near you, with everyones favorite web-slinger battling the evil Doctor Octopus above the streets of New York. The movie is sure to be a monster hit, as is the sequel to the game based on the original. Unlike the previous games linear levels, Spider-Man 2 lets players explore the sprawling, fully modeled Manhattan in whatever manner they please. Run, swing, jump, or hitch a ride as you traverse the city streets, stopping any crimes that you happen to come across. Spider-Man 2 will be swinging onto your console any day now, so we figured it would be a good time to show you some of his new skills and moves with these direct-feed videos courtesy of our friends at FilePlanet. Web Swing: When most people think of Spider-Man, they picture him swinging through the urban jungle of New York like a modern-day Tarzan. Thanks to the new games wide open city environment, you can spend all day soaring from building to building using nothing but your sticky webs. Web Lasso: Surrounded by enemies with no place to run? Shoot your web at one, then use him as a wrecking ball to take out the rest of the baddies. You can also smash him into the ground repeatedly by whipping him back and forth over your head. Helicopter Hang: Need to get from one end of the city to the other in a hurry? Simply fire your web at a passing helicopter and hitch a ride. Its better than taking the subway! Pile Driver: Its just like the move youve seen your wrestling heroes perform a thousand times. Grab your opponent from behind, then launch yourself high into the air before flipping over to slam his head into the ground. Air Juggle: Like the juggling combo moves in a lot of other games, the object is to throw your opponent into the air using your web, then batter him with a variety of punches and kicks before he falls to the ground. This is particularly useful when surrounded by enemies, since they cant attack you while youre in the air. With all of these sweet new moves at his disposal, Spideys enemies dont stand a chance!Source: