NEWS - Tuesday, June 1, 2004

VFW Endorses Brothers In Arms
Ubisoft recently announced that Brothers in Arms, which is currently in development at Gearbox Software, has received an endorsement from the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Foundation. The VFW works to ensure that the legacy of combat veterans is protected and nurtured, and provides support to American troops, veterans, and their families. "The VFW Foundation believes that Brothers in Arms will help us reach our goal of increasing awareness about the sacrifices of veterans," said VFW Foundation president, John Senk. "Videogames are the new medium for storytelling and Brothers in Arms accurately depicts the contributions made by veterans during World War II." "In Brothers in Arms, Gearbox Software is telling an interactive story about the brotherhood between soldiers during one the most important battles of the modern world," added Colonel (U.S. Army retired) John Antal, Gearbox chief of staff and military and historical director. "Brothers in Arms places you in the center of D-Day to experience the self-sacrifice and unprecedented bravery of the troops who fought to win the freedoms that we enjoy today." Both the PC and Xbox versions of Brothers in Arms are currently scheduled for release towards the end of this year.Source: