NEWS - Tuesday, June 1, 2004

Hitman: Contracts Soundtrack Available
Composer Jesper Kyd today announced that he has partnered with Nile Rodgers Sumthing Else Musicworks record label and Sumthing Distribution to release his Hitman: Contracts soundtrack. The album is available from today at a number of large music retailers, or can be ordered direct from the Sumthing Web site. "Jesper Kyds score is a remarkable fusion of contemporary, dark electronica and provocative atmospherics," said Andy Uterano, president of Sumthing Distribution. "The music perfectly captures the essence of the character Agent 47 and his latest conquests in Hitman: Contracts. This is a very exciting release for the Sumthing label." Hitman: Contracts has been available for PC, PlayStation 2, and Xbox since April.Source: