NEWS - Tuesday, May 11, 2004

Fable Screenshots Galore!
God bless E3! Check out all 18 of these Fable screenshots released just in time for E3. One of Xbox's most highly anticipated titles, Fable is rumored to hit this year. For those in the know, Fable is a groundbreaking RPG being developed by Lionhead Studios' satellite Big Blue Box. Their first -and rather ambitious- game puts you in the shoes of a young man who is set on the road to becoming the greatest hero in all of Albion. The path you choose is up to you, as a hero can be of either the good or evil persuasion. Featuring a full day and night cycle, including AI that has daily routines (getting up, going to work or school, boozing at the pub, etc.), a deep action oriented combat and magic system, a revolutionary character 'morph' system that reflects your characters activities throughout play, and a dark, Grimm Brother's inspired story and world, Fable is set to cause quite a stir sometime later this summer. And for those in doubt, just look at these screens and tell me this game is NOT going to rock your spectacles off.Source: