NEWS - Monday, March 8, 2004

Fable’s Mutliplayer Dropped
Big news for Fable fanatics hit at last years E3 when it was announced that Fable would include a multiplayer option allowing you and three of your friends to play alongside one another by importing characters via a memory card. Alas, the implementation of this feature may have been too much and too late. In the recently released official FAQ at Lionhead Times, the following was posted in response to the multiplayer aspect of the game: "Unfortunately, due to time constraints, we will not be including the Multiplayer feature in Fable. There simply isn’t enough time to polish it to the standard we feel would be required to match that of the rest of the game. Instead we have decided to focus our resources on fine-tuning the single-player experience to ensure it is of the highest possible quality." Fable is the much anticipated first outing being developed by Big Blue Box and overseen by the legendary Peter Molyneaux. Dubbed 'the best RPG of all time' by Molyneaux himself, Fable casts you as a young boy whose family is killed and whose world is torn asunder. The decisions you make along the path to being the greatest hero in Albion will shape your character into anything from a muscular, axe-wielding soldier for good to a bony, tattoo-ridden necromancer of evil. In the world of Fable, you are the hero, and the path you choose is yours and yours alone. Fable is expected to drop on the collective Xbox conscience sometime this year.Source: