NEWS - Tuesday, January 6, 2004

Line of Contact Retail Plans Confirmed
Steel Battalion sadly launched minus Xbox Live support, but at E3 last year Capcom announced that it was to address this issue with a fully online semi-sequel to the original title, Steel Battalion: Line of Contact. Line of Contact is expected in the UK and Europe at the end of February this year, and none too soon Capcom has revealed retail plans for the title. The game will be available in two different forms, either in a bundle that also contains the controller and the original Steel Battalion, or simply on its own. Price points have yet to be confirmed, but the publisher has assured us that the limited supply problem with the controller that occurred with the launch of the original Steel Battalion wont be rearing up its ugly head this time. Capcom also says that it has no plans to sell the Steel Battalion controller as an individual item at this time, and reiterates that Line of Contact is controller-dependent.Source: