NEWS - Monday, December 15, 2003

XIII Multiplayer Promotion
XIII is an epic, conspiracy-driven thriller set in a highly stylized graphic-novel world, starring the voices of David Duchovny as XIII, Eve as Major Jones, and Adam West as General Carrington. XIII is rated "M" (Mature) and retails for a suggested retail price of $49.99 on the Xbox® video game system, PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, and Nintendo GameCube(tm), and $39.99 on the PC. As a secret agent suffering from amnesia, players unravel clues behind their true identity, while uncovering sinister plots against themselves, the U.S. government, and the recently assassinated U.S. president. XIII features the deepest story line of any first-person shooter, and players will be immersed in the games graphic-novel world as they decide who is friend and foe in the ultimate government conspiracy. The games cel-shaded graphics showcase its unique visual style, which pays homage to its comic roots. XIII also features a variety of exciting gameplay modes, including stealth, all-out action, collaborative gameplay, and innovative multiplayer modes. Only on Xbox Live Xbox gamers can dive into four-player split-screen offline multiplayer or enter into online battles with up to eight players. The exclusive Xbox Live mode is "Sabotage," where two teams compete to take control of different strategic points in the map. One team must defend the control points, while the other team must sabotage them within a certain time limit. The defending team wins if time runs out, while the attacking team wins by destroying all of the defense points.Source: