NEWS - Thursday, December 4, 2003

Curse: The Eye of Isis ships for Xbox
DreamCatcher Games has today announced the North American release of Curse: The Eye of Isis for the Xbox. The survival-horror title, which was developed by UK-based Asylum Entertainment, is set in the year 1890 and sees players assuming the roles of friends Darien Dane and Victoria Sutton who are investigating the disappearance of an ancient Egyptian statue. Curse: The Eye of Isis combines third-person gameplay with first-person action sequences, and as players progress through the game theyll be battling zombies and mummies with an increasingly powerful arsenal that comprises a truncheon, a pistol, a crossbow, a shotgun, a rifle, a flame-thrower, and a mortar gun. For more information on Curse: The Eye of Isis, which has been available for the PC since October, check out our previous coverage of the game.Source: