NEWS - Wednesday, December 3, 2003

New Star Wars: Battlefront Surface
Development of Star Wars: Battlefront is being handled by Pandemic Studios - also working on squad-based tactical title Full Spectrum Warrior. Like Battlefield 1942, the game features vehicle-based and foot-solider combat - expect numerous Star Wars characters and craft (X-Wing, AT-AT, for example) with multiple players able to leap onboard certain vehicles. Star Wars Clone Wars and the Galactic Civil War are the two violent eras from the universe that form the backdrop for combat, with battles raging over a number of planets. While featured worlds have yet to be confirmed, the ubiquitous fighting in the snowscapes of Hoth seems a dead cert. Full details on Star Wars: Battlefront are expected in January 2004, when LucasArts makes an official announcement about the game.Source: