NEWS - Thursday, October 23, 2003

Brotherhood of Steel goes GOLD!
Interplay Entertainment Corp. announced today that the highly anticipated "Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel" for the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system and the Xbox video game system from Microsoft has gone gold. This gritty and darkly humorous 3rd person action adventure game transports players into the post-apocalyptic wasteland of the highly acclaimed and successful Fallout PC franchise. Utilizing a combination of intense combat strategies integrating melee, ranged weapons and explosives, one to two players can assume membership in The Brotherhood of Steel, warriors determined to bring their own sense of order to a nuked-out wasteland. The fear of an apocalypse has become a reality. "Fallout Brotherhood of Steel" begins after the first Fallout PC title in which humans emerge from the safety of underground vaults to explore the earth following a nuclear holocaust. In joining the Brotherhood of Steel, players will uncover a sinister plot that could transform the remainder of humanity into a race of mutants. The Brotherhood of Steel have come together to wage battle against the mutants and raiders to fulfill their search for a mysterious and heavily sought-after device, one that could be used to help rebuild humanity or as a monstrous tool of war. Welcome to the wasteland! "Fallout Brotherhood of Steel" will be available at retailers by Thanksgiving.Source: