NEWS - Wednesday, October 8, 2003
Todd & Tim Talk Doom 3 Xbox
A Q&A with id Software's Todd Hollenshead and Tim Willits on gives more insight to Doom making its' way to the Xbox. Here's a blurb from the Q&A (the most important part for Xbox gamers that is):GP: A lot of our readers are interested in the Xbox version of Doom 3 because they don't think their PCs will be able to run it. Is an Xbox version still on the horizon? TH: The Xbox version of Doom 3 is actually in development now. We have the technology up and running on the machine. We don't have any plans for shipping concurrently with the PC version, so it will come afterwards. The challenges there are the 64 megs of RAM versus what we're looking at on the PC, 256 megs. We're going to have to make some concessions to that memory bandwidth, just in terms of the number of textures that we use, the texture resolution, and some other things. On the PC, we are looking at a 1-gigahertz processor versus a 733 PIII from the Xbox. But the Xbox is a full-impact platform.More Doom3 goodness is discussed in the Q&A and most interesting of note is a particular question regarding their thoughts on Half Life 2. You can check out the rest of the article right here.