NEWS - Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Dead Mans Hand Shots
Atari is bringing all of the drama and fast-paced action of the Old West exclusively to the Xbox video game system from Microsoft this Fall with Dead Mans Hand, a first person shooter chock full of gun fights and dripping in frontier lore. In development by Human Head studios, the creators of Rune, Dead Mans Hand uses the latest Unreal technology from Epic Games to provide amazing graphical performance, non-stop action and enhanced multiplayer capabilities through Xbox Live! "Dead Mans Hand will be an amazing recreation of the Old West, from the high drama of showdowns to the window-smashing action of shoot outs to the bitter plights of vengeance," said Steve Allison, vice president of marketing for Infogrames, Inc.s Los Angeles studio. "Using the power of the Xbox and Unreal Technology together, Human Head is creating one of the best looking, best playing and truly unique first person shooters ever released. Xbox owners are in for a real treat, both in single player and against online foes through Xbox Live!"Source: