NEWS - Monday, August 11, 2003

Brute Force Fan Fiction Contest
Have the writing bug? Like to create tales about your favorite video game characters and worlds? Write a story set in the Brute Force universe, and you could get it posted on! Guidelines- You must be 18 years of age or older to enter. (Sorry younger dudes…)
- Don't ruin your chances to win. Make sure your story adheres to the Code of Conduct.
- You can use up to 1000 words to tell your story, anything beyond that… save for your mother.
- Submissions must be in English.
- To be considered, submit your story to by 5:00 P.M. on August 15, 2003 (PST). You can send them after that, but we won't read 'em.
- Stories must be pasted into the body of your email. Otherwise, guest what ...
- If you win, will notify you by August 20, 2003. Winning stories will appear on starting August 25, 2003!
- Winners will be chosen solely at the discretion of Microsoft. All decisions are final.
- will pick three winners (first place, second place, and third place), post their stories on, and recognize the talented authors who created them.