NEWS - Wednesday, May 28, 2003

Brute Force Muscles onto Shelves
Microsoft Game Studios today announced that the Xbox exclusive squad-based shooter "Brute Force" is now available at retailers across North America for an estimated retail price of $49.99. Developed by Digital Anvil, "Brute Force" provides gamers with the ultimate in squad-based combat that lets players take on missions with guns blazing, in silent stealth or anywhere in between. Through split-screen or System Link, "Brute Force" also pushes the limits of cooperative play by seamlessly blending single and multiplayer modes. "We are giving players a very different experience from what theyd expect from typical run-and-gun shooters," says "Brute Force" producer Erin Roberts. "Brute Force is not only about action, but also about giving the player the freedom to decide how they want to utilize their squad to complete each mission. Players can choose to march through missions with guns blazing using Tex and Brutus or take a more stealthy pace by sneaking behind enemy lines with Hawk or sniping enemies at a distance with Flint. Everyone will find their own style." "Digital Anvil has done an amazing job with Brute Force, and were happy to have it join Halo and MechAssault in the Microsoft Game Studios pedigree of quality shooters for Xbox," said senior director of marketing Beth Featherstone. "Theyve taken squad-based shooters to new heights by creating an interface thats easy to jump in and learn, but also allows players to dig deeper and find new strategies by using their team in different ways."Source: