NEWS - Saturday, May 17, 2003

Die Hard Vendetta Comes to Xbox
VENDETTA GOES ON XboxTM NDA Productions and Bits Studios announce the Next Gen John McClane adventure: Die HardTM: Vendetta to be released this summer on Xbox NDA Productions, a studio of Vivendi Universal Games, together with developer, Bits Studios, today announce that New Yorks unluckiest cop, John McClane, returns on Xbox. The first-person action adventure Die HardTM: Vendetta – in which McClane fights to save his kidnapped daughter – is being developed under licence from Fox Interactive, and will be released in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa. Die HardTM: Vendetta features an original plot set a few years after the latest film, Die Hard: With A Vengeance. Assuming the role of John McClane, players embark on an explosive new mission featuring as much intrigue, suspense, stealth and surprises as any of the Die Hard movies. Players battle through several distinct locations – including a return to the original Nakatomi Plaza, as well as a host of unique and inventive set pieces designed to bring the Die HardTM world vividly to life. Release of Die HardTM: Vendetta is planned for summer this year on Xbox and PlayStation® 2. Die HardTM: Vendetta is already available on the NINTENDO GAMECUBETM.Source: