NEWS - Wednesday, December 18, 2002

MS to publish Steel Battalion in Europe
Microsoft announces that it has entered into a joint publishing agreement with Capcom in Europe. Microsoft has today announced that it has entered into a publisher partner deal with Capcom that will see Microsoft publishing Steel Battalion in Europe in spring next year. Exact European release dates and pricing for the game--which can only be played using a specially designed controller with 40 buttons and switches, two joysticks, a gear stick, and three floor pedals--have not been announced at this time. "Microsoft Game Studios is pleased to be publishing this title in Europe," said Sandy Duncan, VP Xbox, EMEA. "It is an extraordinary game which really demonstrates the scope of what can be achieved using Xbox hardware. Capcom is one of the most respected publishers and developers in the industry and we are pleased to be working with them so closely on this title. We believe Steel Battalion will push the boundaries of gameplay to an even more realistic level." "We are very pleased to be working so closely with Microsoft to publish Steel Battalion in Europe," said Shigeru Ota, president of Capcom Eurosoft. "Our partnership demonstrates Microsoft’s continued commitment to Steel Battalion, to Capcom and to the gaming community, by supporting such an innovative title. Their support ensures that European gamers can buy Steel Battalion at the earliest opportunity and we believe that Steel Battalion will be a totally new experience for gamers worldwide." Steel Battalion is a mech-war action game set in the year 2080. Players assume control of a "Vertical Tank" and take part in a mission-based campaign that places the emphasis firmly on action rather than on tactics. The game was released in North America, where it carries a $199 price tag, last month.Source: