NEWS - Thursday, July 4, 2002

The New Contestant On Whacked
You've already met Toof and Lucy, two contestants on the crazy combat game "Whacked!", brought to you by the well-trained primates at Presto Studios and Microsoft Game Studios. Now we would like to introduce youto CHARITY, the third of seven demented contestants who will be competing in "Whacked!" for "The Prize." At only seven-years-of-age, Charity has already acquired more material possessions than most people manage to amass in a hundred lifetimes. Growing up in the Hamptons, under the exceedingly generous gaze of billionaire parents Muffy and Biff Cashwell, Charity was weaned on caviar and truffles fed to her with a diamond-encrusted silver spoon. Charity's motto is simple: What's yours is hers! Despite her covetous proclivities, however, Charity can still sometimes manage to come across like your average little seven-year-old girl...but don't be fooled by her cuteness, she will stop at nothing to take what is already hers. Just be sure to keep plenty of shiny objects, cash, credit cards, and candy on hand for whenever she's around. Charity's audition video, headshot and bio have placed on the Xbox press site. Take a look at her audition video and find out for yourself why we think she'll be a real contender on "Whacked!" So, without further ado, say hello to Charity: Charity Audition Windows Media (WMV-8.1MB)Source: