NEWS - Tuesday, June 25, 2002

Q&A With Tracey Montoya
Those kooky crazy guys over at X-boxed have the opportunity to speak with Tracey Montoya from WXB regarding "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring" for the Xbox, PC, and PS2. The interview touches on recreating virtual lands from the Middle-Earth fiction, various gameplay features, exploiting advanced hardware options and more.XBD: In a nutshell, how would you describe Fellowship of the Ring`s gameplay? Tracey: FOTR is an action, adventure with role playing elements. Each of the three player characters is differentiated in game play style. Frodo is predominantly an adventure character. Aragorn is our most adept fighter. Gandalf utilizes both melee capabilities and an array of spells. Game play combines adventure and role playing elements such as quests, puzzles and environmental obstacles while interspersed with melee and ranged weapons combat.