NEWS - Wednesday, June 19, 2002

Q&A With Kevin Osburn has sent word that they have slapped up a Q&A with Black Isle Line Producer, Kevin Osburn regarding the Xbox port of Baldurs Gate: Dark Alliance. The Q&A covers gameplay tweaking (see below), the obligatory graphics question, and a lot of general Dark Alliance information.XBD: Will the changes made to Dark Alliance be purely cosmetic or are there plans to add new items, tweak AI and difficulty, etc.? Kevin: We are actually hoping to focus on some balancing issues in this version. After the PS2 game was released, we received a lot of great feedback from our fans and the press in regards to some of the sorceress's spells, enemies, and a few other things. Some of the sorceress's spells seemed a bit too powerful, so we are hoping to tweak them just a bit. We are also hoping to increase the difficulty on some of the boss encounters, as some of our fans have mentioned that some seemed a bit too easy. Fans can expect the Xbox version to be more challenging than the PS2 version.