NEWS - Wednesday, June 19, 2002

A Chat With Erin Roberts
The gang over at Gaming Illustrated sat down with Brute Force producer Erin Roberts of Digital Anvil. Topics include game design,the co-op mode, the robust graphic engine, a release date, and the diversity of environments that bring some amazing worlds to life. Heres at taste:Gaming Illustrated : Brute Force is arguably the most anticipated Xbox title since Halo. What kind of pressure comes from developing a game with that kind of magnitude? Erin Roberts : I think the greatest pressure comes from within the team itself. Of course the rest of the organization pushes very hard for you to make the greatest games you can (given your time lines), but the team itself pushes the hardest, as it is important to us to make something which hopefully many other people will really enjoy. You spend a few years of your life on something, you want people to like it.