NEWS - Wednesday, May 29, 2002

Gamers Take On Audley
Audley Harrison, the Olympic gold super-heavyweight championship boxer has revealed that one of the hardest challenges of his career was not winning Commonwealth gold or even beating Julius Long recently in just two rounds, but taking on the creative design team at UK games publisher and developer Codemasters! Audley trained out of shape designers, Jon Hare and Justin Forrest as professional boxers to assist in their understanding of the sport before the launch of new video game, Mike Tyson Heavyweight Boxing, in which he features. Codemasters took the unparalleled decision to tie up with Audley, one of the best known and most respected boxers in the sport, so that it’s the games creators could better understand the regime a boxer has to put himself through. The team wanted to understand the intensity, brutality and dedication to the sport so it could ensure that Mike Tyson Heavyweight Boxing for Sony PlayStation 2 and Microsoft XboxTM was the most realistic boxing game created and was what boxing fans were demanding. Check out the full article click hereSource: