NEWS - Wednesday, May 15, 2002

New Feature - Top 5 Worst
We keep adding new features to This new feature is a new little thing called the The Top 5 Worst Xbox Games (a.k.a. The Hall of Shame), these are the games, that well...didn't do so well! The link is listed on the left hand menu, check it out! Also, we DON'T recommend buying these titles. You might also have notice that Kabuki Warriors remains true as the number one worst game on the Xbox! Our charts don't lie you know. Also, some of you may have noticed that we've gotten a burst of traffic in our forums, well; it's because of the partnership with! Did you know they were featured on TechTV's The Screen Savers! Thousands of people watch that show, and they must have finally made their way here to our humble little site. So, please welcome them all and make them feel at home. Enjoy!Source: