NEWS - Saturday, May 4, 2002

Are you Whacked!?!?!
You've already heard about the crazy combat game Whacked!, brought to you by the well-trained primates at Presto Studios and Microsoft Game Studios. We would like to introduce you to Toof, the first of eight demented contestants that will be competing in Whacked! for "The Prize." His photo is attached to this message. Originally, we had planned to send along his bio and application to appear on the Whacked! show along with this email. Unfortunately, Toof was barely able to scribble the first letter of his name before he went and ate the forms. However, we were able to locate a copy of his audition video and place it on for you. Without further ado, meet Toof: (Look under "Video" for "Whacked! Trailer 1") NOTE: Tell us how eXcited you are for this title, click on "Product Profile".Source: