NEWS - Wednesday, May 1, 2002

New Giveaway Details
Well, we keep doing it...MORE GIVEAWAYS! In light of the upcoming E3 gaming event, we’ve decided to giveaway a game EVERY SINGLE DAY! That’s 31 games! This is by far the most expensive giveaway we’ve ever done! This week we’ll be giving away games from Acclaim, then THQ, then Eidos and then Activision! What does this mean?, and How does this work? When you receive the winning email (check those emails, or else you could forfeit your prize) you’ll get to pick ANY game form that publisher during that week. Example, from May 1st to May 7th, if you receive the winning email during this period you’ll get to choose from Acclaim’s Xbox collection from titles like Dave Mirra 2, All Star Baseball, and now Burnout! How do I win?, you say. These giveaways are based on site participation! By reviewing a game or two (not how many you do, quality folks), joining the guys in the chat room, posting in the forums, adding your eXcitement comments, adding your interview comments and many more secret areas. They are planted all over the site. So get cracking! Now, no one likes a copy cat, so if you see any other sites "copying" this type giveaway in the near future, well, you saw it here first. (-:Source: