NEWS - Tuesday, March 19, 2002

I-Imagine Interactive Q&A
Over at Actiontrip, they have posted an interview with the Managing Director at I-Imagine Interactive, Dan Wagner, who talked about their upcoming Xbox game Chase. After reading the interview check out those screenshots that I-Imagine threw in for no extra charge. Heres a taste:AT: Give our readers a brief look into the games visual effects. DW: In true Hollywood fashion, Chase incorporates all sorts of cool effects. Explosions, explosions and more explosions, cars blow up into pieces, rockets from jets, helicopters and even a Post Apocalyptic buggy blow up buildings a bridge and the ground around you (the force even propels you off your path). Bushes break into leaves, and wooden fences into wooden debris. Glass shatters, bullets leave their mark and did I mention objects can bend and break into pieces? Your car can lose its doors, bumper, and windows amongst other things. For the more techy-inclined, we have incorporated real-time reflections and self-shadowing amongst other effects.