NEWS - Thursday, January 24, 2002

THQ Plans "Toxic Grind"
THQ today stated that they are currently working on a new title for the Xbox and Gamecube called Toxic Grind. Toxic Grind which is currently scheduled for release at around Fall/Winter of 2002 will be a racing game where you take on the character of Jason Hayes. Jason has been forced to race with others in the races of his life in a TV game show which is called no other than...Toxic Grind. The game takes place in the year 2097. So expect this racer to be alittle furturistic, so dont expect it to look like Project Gotham but more like Extreme G for the Gamecube.Not much has been released about this title like sreenshots but expect to have more on this title as we recieve more information about this title.
Disscuss this Toxic Grind at the Xboxaddict Forums.