NEWS - Wednesday, January 2, 2002

Blood Omen 2 Movie
Blood Omen 2 *First ever trailer now available!!!*
Happy new year my editorial friends! I hope 2002 holds fruitful endeavors for us all! I will help begin this process with the announcement of the first ever official trailer for Blood Omen 2! This is a "MUST-SEE" piece of media! The overall quality found in this cinematic-style trailer truly showcases what gamers should expect when they gain control of video gaming's most blood thirsty badass...Kain! We get a peek at some of the breathtaking environments in the world of Nosgoth, a first hand look at gameplay and combat in motion, and aahhh yes the sweet, sweet stealth-kills. Kain strives to regain his rule with Blood Omen 2 slated for a March 2002 release...
...just click the following link to get a blazing stream, or for the full-on download...