NEWS - Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Assassin's Creed Odyssey, The Fate of Atlantis Ep. 1 (DLC) Out Now
Ok Assassins Creed fans, we have some news for you. Ubisoft recently announced that Fields of Elysium, the first episode of the second post-launch story arc of Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, The Fate of Atlantis, is now available across all available platforms, including the Xbox One.
Fields of Elysium introduces players to the paradise of Elysium, an otherworldly realm of luscious growth and no conflict, ruled by the goddess Persephone. As the story unfolds, players uncover its sinister secrets while trying to unlock the power of the Staff of Hermes to find a way out of Elysium. Helping Hermes, Persephones friend Hekate as well as the human Adonis, players uncover the true nature of Elysium as it inevitably descends into civil war.
Each of the three episodes of The Fate of Atlantis will introduce new ability enhancements related to the three branches of the skill tree – Hunter, Warrior and Assassin. In this first episode, players will discover four new ability enhancements, including:
- Ares Bull Charge is part of the Warrior branch of the skill tree, and will summon a projectile that takes the form of a bull charging forward. The projectile knocks down any enemy it hits and pierces though them.
- Ares Madness, also part of the Warrior branch of the skill tree, will allow players to have a new fighting set that overpowers their enemies for a short period of time.
- Might of Artemis is part of the Hunter branch of the skill tree. Enemies, when hit by the stun, automatically take critical damage from any subsequent melee attack for the duration of the stun.
- Kronos Time Warp is part of the Assassin branch of the skill tree. This ability will grant each head shot additional slow-down time and higher damage, which is perfect for fighting enemies.
In order to play Fields of Elysium, players will have two different options:
- Following the main game, players will have to complete the questline Between Two Worlds, the mythological main game story arc, and Heir of Memories, the Lost Tales of Greece questline that is available after completing the former questline. Finally, they must have reached character level 28 or above.
- Otherwise, players will be able to use a shortcut created specifically for those who would like to play The Fate of Atlantis and who do not fulfill all the above conditions. Thanks to this shortcut, players will enter Greece level 52 with preset abilities and resources enabling them to start their adventure into the afterlife with the Lost Tales of Greece questline Heir of Memories. They will also have the opportunity to choose their hero. However, contrary to the previous option, player progression using the shortcut will not carry over to the main game save, and they will not be able to obtain achievements.
Phew, that was a lot of information for one dlc. Regardless, we hope you take the time to download and play, as a few of the staffers here will be doing the same.
Source: Press Release/YouTube