NEWS - Monday, January 14, 2019

VIDEO - Away: Journey to the Unexpected - 10 Minutes of Gameplay
Away: Journey to the Unexpected is a feel-good first person adventure game that combines action, negotiation and rogue-lite elements, all rendered beautifully in a distinctive anime-inspired style.
In Away, you’re not a fighter or a hero, but you are great at making kick-ass friends! Many of the colourful characters you meet in game, from robotic cowboy bounty hunters to bizarre space oddities, can be recruited to fight alongside you - it’s up to you to convince them to join the team. Away is the creation of renowned French developer Aurélien Regard, working alongside Rayman level designer Jean-Matthieu Gennisson.
So, with all that said, enjoy a 10-minute gameplay video and see the game in action:
Source: Press Release/YouTube